Wednesday, September 28

Port Fairy market - Saturday 15th October

Spring has finally come around and it's time for another Made Artist's market in Port Fairy.
It's from 9am to 2pm, at the St John's Anglican Church Hall (just off Bank St).
You can see more details at their facebook page, and 'like' it for updates.

Come and see what I've been doing lately...

PS - I haven't forgotten the big announcement.  I'll fill you in in a few days ;)

Friday, September 16

Exciting announcement... coming soon ;)

What a spoiler, don't you hate this sort of a headline!

Details are coming soon, but luciandjoe bookbinding has an exciting new announcement that's just about ready to be released into the big, wide internet world.

Monday, September 12

upcoming Markets

Just getting in ahead of time, but I'm able to confirm that luciandjoe bookbinding will be at the following upcoming markets:
- Saturday 15th October, Made Artists Market in Port Fairy
- Sunday 20th November, Piccadilly Christmas Market in Geelong
- Saturday 10th December, Made Artists Market in Port Fairy
Mark those dates for your Christmas shopping  ;)

Sunday, September 4

Festival of Words Booksellers Market - Saturday 10th September

The Festival of Words (formerly known as Ex Libris) is being held in Port Fairy next weekend, and luciandjoe bookbinding will be there on Saturday in amongst the booksellers in the Reardon Theatre.  We'll be nestled in amongst the sellers of real books, with words in them.  I might have to hide the upcycled books towards the back of the stall so that the other secondhand books on sale don't get nervous!

Some fabric-covered journals that you can pick up from my market stall.